Thursday, February 5, 2009

Interesting Awning Valance

These are the pictures of the finished valance. I have to admit, this was one of the funniest and most challenging treatments I have done. I did get to use some quilting techniques that I have been reading about.

I also made a trunk for the beautiful elephant. My client wanted a trunk that her children would be able to bend. She really wanted them to be able to swing on it, but I decided that probably wasn't a good idea.
This client had an incredible jungle scene painted on the walls of her children's play room. It is incredible. She contacted me because she wanted a valance that would carry on the theme. When the painter painted the mural, there is a tree that starts on one side of the window and continues to the other. I have been studying quilting and 3D quilting and fabric folding. It finally dawned on me to use this application on this valance. I am going to appliques the branches on the face fabric and then create the leaves individually using the 3D and fabric folding techniques. I am very excited about the project.

Today I cut out the valance and pieced it together, next I cut out the branches and glued them onto the fabric. Tomorrow I will be attaching them to the valance using a satin stitch. I'll let you know how that works out.

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