Saturday, February 14, 2009

We are all overwhelmed with the economic news. If you are not careful, you will wrap yourself up in all the bad news and not be able to move forward. Well guess what, we don't have any choice but to keep moving forward. We don't have any control over what is going on in the economy. I heard someone in a meeting say this and I really liked it. "If unemployment is at 7%, well guess what 93% are working. The media doesn't put it that way. They only report the bad news.

So what can we do to stay motivated? Instead of thinking about all the bad news, think about all of the things you have to be grateful for. Live a life of gratitude.

Take advantage of the slow time to create your goals for the year and determine what you action steps will be. Take a class to increase your knowledge or skills in an area you are weak in. Read motivational books and listen to motivational audio tapes. Spend some time creating a vision of what you want your dream life to be like.

Practice turning the negative into positive affirmations.

I guarantee these suggestions will lift your spirits and will even attract good things to you.

I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

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